Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Post the First: Of Getting Forms Together and Jumping Through Flaming Visa Hoops

So, yeah. Hi, internets. *waves?*

Just got all the forms together and mailed to Chicago via UPS/FedEx that I need to have in order to get a Certificate of Eligibility, which I then have to use to get a visa in order to get into Japan. So, it's like getting a visa in order to be able to get a visa. Kind of. It's complicated. And, to say the least, a bit of a pain.

The biggest thing that I had to have is a bank letter, which is basically something the immigration officials want you to have so you can prove you have whatever arbitrary amount of money they feel you need to have in one single account in order to be properly supported in Japan. This required a bit of interesting shuffling and hoopjumping, but hey, it's done and en route.

And then there's the CoE form itself which is something else, simply for the level of detail they want to know. Understandable, but wow.

And there's still the visa to get, once this is processed through, which won't even be until... a month before the program starts. So that should get interesting. And possibly headdesk inducing.

For now, though, time to start stalking tracking numbers to ensure that everything gets where it's supposed to be. *vulture stare*

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